miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

It is one of four constituent nations of the United Kingdom. His territory is formed geographically on the south and central part of Great Britain, island that he shares close to Scotland and Wales, and near 100 smaller islands as the Islands Sorlingas and Wight's Island. It borders in the northern part on Scotland, in the western part on Wales - his two terrestrial borders-, to the northwest on the sea of Ireland, to the southwest on the Celtic sea, in the eastern part on the sea of the North and in the southern part on the channel of the Spot.

Museum of the Clock

The Museum of the Clock of England is an interesting place that was re-opened recently and continues causing I amaze the visitors thanks to his great collection of clocks that date back to several stages of the history and do a great tour for the manufacture and evolution of this useful object.

Tate Britain

The Tate Britain forms a part of the great network of galleries that shelters the galleries Tate in the territory of Great Britain. The museum started working from the year 1897 and it possesses an important collection of works of J.M.W's art. Turner.

Adriano's wall

The Wall or Adriano's Wall is a former defensive construction raised between the years 122 and 132 by mandate of the Roman emperor Adriano as defense of Great Britain to the assaults of the tribes of the Picts who were threatening to come to the north of the country.

Scilly's islands

Scilly's Islands (called in English Isles of Scilly) are a conglomerate of islands located in the extreme west of the county of Cornwall (southwest of United Kingdom), reason by which it is considered to be a territory of the above mentioned county.

National park Lake District

The National Park Lake District is the most extensive national park inside the United Kingdom, one represents of few regions with mountainous zones in England. Likewise the park borders on the deep lake Wast Water and the highest mountain of England called Scafell Pike, which has a surface of 978 msnm.

Bridge of the Tower

The Bridge of the Tower is a drawbridge of the city of London, is very popular and often it is portrayed in tourist postcards; it owes his name to the nearness that has with the historical castle called Tower of London. Curiosity, this bridge frequently is confused with the Bridge of London, that

Bridge of London

The Bridge of London is one of the bridges of the city that communicates the City of London and Southwark's zone, often it is confused with the Bridge of the Tower. This bridge has in the southern part to Southwark's Cathedral and in the northern part to the Monument to the Great Fire of London.

Tower of London

The Tower of London, called officially Royal palace and Fortaleza of his Majesty is an out-standing palace of the city of London, in England; it is located in the downtown, on the banks of the river Thames. In yes, the Tower called of London is a complex of buildings, towers and palaciosrodeados for two rings

San Paul's cathedral of London

San Paul's Cathedral of London is one of the most important churches of the city of London, it was constructed between 1676 and 1710 on what previously it was a former medieval church.

Windsor's castle

Windsor's Castle is an interesting architectural complex that forms a part of the medieval monuments in Windsor's city, in Berkshire's county; this castle enjoys a great historical importance due to the fact that he guards many relation with the historical events of the royalty, beside having the chapel of San Jorge